Video Marketing Trends

It’s 2021, the year where video content is viewed more than ever. Content marketing has transmuted entirely and video content has been astronomical in India. Most of us find videos almost impossible to scroll up. So much that sometimes, we forget our doorbells or ringtones. It just gets your attention and oops, you’ve watched it 6 times now. 

So, with this today, we thought we’d share what we think are some of the best types of video content out there. So, you can create your own video content strategy for your brand.

Grab your coffee and read on. Of course, we said coffee because…it’s just cool. Who likes tea anyway?

1. Vlogs

If you are reading this, you’re one of the few who like to read blogs but you can’t deny that vlogs are better. Imagine us, talking about this right now with cool effects and fillers. SOLD!

Most brands spendthrift on a big promotional video for their landing page but it fades overtime. A Vlog, on the other hand, is great video content marketing. What vlogs do is that they make your brand heard and most importantly, seen. Why do you think famous people vlog all the time?

2. Behind the scenes

Our personal favourite. Behind the scenes video is a great content marketing and storytelling tool which involves viewers with the brand culture. These are almost a great way to form connections between the audience and the brand. This type of video content gives a human personality to your brand and gives audiences a perspective. Come on now, don’t act like you don’t watch behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

3. Q&A

Big celebrities, vloggers, youtubers and influencers do Q&As with their audiences to connect with them. It establishes, to some extent, authority for the audiences and motivates them to put their opinions ahead. Audiences crave for 1 on 1 experiences with their favorite ‘famous person or brand’. Also, Q&A is a great content marketing strategy as you can invite different guests each week to do Q&As with the audience and give them something to look forward to.

4. Tutorial or How To

We are pretty sure that your YouTube history has a lot of “How To’s”. But, we’re not gonna get into that. Moving on, the Millennial YouTubers figured that audiences love watching videos and valuable insights. Seriously, look at the amount of make-up tutorials influencers have done over time and the amount of engagement generated through it. Remember James Charles, Kandee Johnson? Their videos have great content strategy.

We hope you are convinced that video marketing is already the next best thing. If you want your brand to be “Out-There On Display”, a planned content marketing strategy will more than help your brand.

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